I know I should explain a bit further about what I'd found out about laproscopy but I think I should explain my history from the beginning so the story line would be clearer. I'm not a specialist so I can't really say that what I write here is a 'certain matter', just a humble experience and opinion on my part which people might have faced or thought differently.
After the HSG, Prof told us to 'try naturally' for a couple of months. There are a few cases where couples managed to conceive after HSG. So we were very hopeful even though one of my tubes is not patent (my right fallopian tube has beaded obstruction) for 2 reasons:
1. Prof told that I can still become pregnant with only one patent tube.
2. HSG may have removed the blockage. May...
Still, we or rather I can't manage to conceive naturally afterwards. Then I was prescribed with 2 tablets of Clomiphene (100mg) per day starting from day 3 of my period for 5 consecutive days. This.. without doing any blood test. Of course then I didn't know if blood test is necessary for me but now I'm a bit doubtful about that. Regardless, I'm not in a solid ground to comment more about this unless I'd undergone an extensive treatment which may enhance my knowledge on this area which some of you might have.
These were the side effects after taking clomiphene:
After Cycle 1 - a lot less menstruation blood, less vaginal fluid
After Cycle 2 - menstruation delay for 1 month, still lesser than normal menstruation blood (but more than after the first cycle) , vast supply of vaginal fluid (haaa amek ko.... hehe... syiok je kan, blue pulak die nih) - I'm not sure whether it's the effect of clomiphene or from the massage I had with a bidan called Kak Yah.
Talking about the delayed period, after more than 1 week I did several home pregnancy tests and the results were all negative. I went to 3 general clinics & what the doctors said were dissappointing as well. The first clinic buat HPT jugak... baik tak payah buat cam2 kan coz I pon dah buat HPT kat rumah. The second clinic performed abdominal scanning and she said I might have blighted ovum and it's most likely that I would get my period very soon since my uterus line was quite thick. The third clinic pon buat HPT jugak but luckily the medical officer wrote a reference letter for me so that I can go to Pantai. Actually I was hoping for a blood test incase I was really pregnant with low HcG.
In the midst of that, I'd also call Prof's clinic and the only available slot would be after 2 weeks time. I was told that after 2 unsuccessful attempts with clomiphene, I would have to undergo Dilation and curettage (D&C) together with hydrotubation. So I asked if it would be painful and the staff told me that I would be sedated during the process and when I woke up I would only feel mild abdominal cramp. I was unsatisfied for 2 reasons:
1. It difficult to get an appointment (2 weeks - 1 month). I know there are too many patients at the very popular and well renowned clinic and I should have understand but... could any treatment become effective that way?
2. How could a doctor decide what treatment is best by just reading the HSG result and without hormonal testing too. Perhaps I am just being suspicious but shouldn't I be when there is so little explanation given by the clinic and I'm supposed to believe or do anything they say because they studied medicine and a specialist whereas I only managed a C3 in my Biology paper? There are a number of treatment alternatives for infertility. Am I not entitled to think over if I have any other alternative?
Sorry for over reacting. I know I couldn't deny the fact that some people have had successful treatments there. But I decided to go to Pantai Hospital instead since it's nearer to my office thus I need not take a day off and also it would be free with the recommendation letter.
After abdominal and vaginal scan, the gynae told me that it doesn't look like I'm pregnant and she could see my period coming which confirmed the diagnosis of the second clinic I went. I was just not confident of the diagnosis because I'd been misdiagnosed before when the doctor told me that I have gall bladder stones when I felt that the bleeding between my period came from my vagina instead. Me? Gall bladder stones? I didn't even feel pain when I peed. No other associated symptoms as well.
The gynae said to me "Why were you given clomiphene when one of your tubes is blocked? It could waste your eggs. Better to find out what the blockage is really all about". I then asked her whether D&C and hydrotubation is approriate to treat my problem. She smiled cynically and said something which I do not really remember but signalled that the method is quite outdated. Hmmm...
Neat.. CLICK - Human Ovulation Moment Caught on Camera
hye sis, i br jmp ur blog td n i go through all your entry about your effort to get pregnant. i understand every single feeling yg u rs coz my case is not much not different from yours. br hari ni i dpt tau yg my fallopian tubes are block! both of them..only Allah knows my feeling right now..i was so depressed n keep thinking why i've been punished this way..i need someone to share the experience coz i believe only women with infertility problem will understand each other. just now, doc in LPPKN tell me the only way to hv a baby is by undergoing the IVF...=(
ReplyDeletehi.. nmpknye kite pn share prob yg same.. i penah buat HSG resultnyer left tube i blocked tp HSG boleh clearkan as the doc said. So month after that i preggie tp i ade prob baby x membesar 10weeks i miss abortion. Itu yg 2nd. I pn br buat appointment ngn klinik dr hamid las month.. and yes it will be on march. Saje g sbb skang ni g treatment kt HUKM mcm x memuaskan. I had my 3rd miss abortion there. Before this diorg buat blood tests jer to figure out kenapa i da 2 kali miss abortion tp biler i pregnen for the 3rd diorg x buat pape pun. So in the meantime i g Klinik UMRA kat seks. 13 S.Alam utk injection kuatkan rahim and consultation. Klinik tu pn bagus. U pegila k..
ReplyDeletepeja.. i phm.. sbb after 3 times miss abortion.. private gynea suggest we undergoing IVF... lets sharing ok.. feel free to visit my blog.. i pn rase nk share pengalaman2 i selama 4 tahun ni utk dptkan baby.. leh tukar2 info kan .. jgn sedey.. same2 berdoa ok =)
- qaseh ain -