Thursday, April 8, 2010

I Feel Happy Today Because...

I Feel Happy Today Because...

1. My eyes rasa fresh sangat hari ini after I started taking 21st Century Eyebright Complex (traditionally used to improve eye strain and visual fatigue). Selalu kepenatan and nampak kabur b'coz my eyes are working too hard everyday... staring at the pc at least 8 hours a day, stitching during free time and watching tv. Orang sekarang banyak kerja pakai mata dari tulang empat kerat kan.. I also tried Bioglo's Cucumber Eye Mask from Cosway (cheapest eye mask I managed to find).

2. I'll be joining a reunion with my primary school friends this weekend. How cool is that. Eventhough I'm a bit antisocial and wouldn't know what to say, tapi since it might just be 1 hour makan-makan, jadi boleh la perhati kanak-kanak yang dahulunya comel tapi sekarang dah rupa makcik pakcik. Hehe... including me, (to myself-tolong jangan perasan muda).

3. I usually will greet old friends yang kadang kala muncul dalam YM. But today rasa macam tak nak tegur. I just don't want to hear their happy news if there's any. Macam teruk but today is too good that I don't want to spoil it with my jealousy. It's refreshing to acknowledge that we are capable of being jealous and allowed to be jealous. Tak la sampai nak aniaya sesiapa.

4. I started taking anti-cleanse last night. Walaupon rasa selalu nk memBALAK but it's quite mild.

5. My cross stitch is almost done. Yay!!! My little Venice..

6. I'm listening to Lady Gaga

7. I had my period after 2 months.. finally, tired of all negative UPTs and listening to doctors telling me that it was so unlikely that I was pregnant. Memang betul tak pregnant pon..

8. I'd decided to join aerobics again (after refraining myself, just incase the aerobics cause anovulation). Now I think that I was wrong .. Suka-suka!!

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