1. My eyes rasa fresh sangat hari ini after I started taking 21st Century Eyebright Complex

2. I'll be joining a reunion with my primary school friends this weekend. How cool is that. Eventhough I'm a bit antisocial and wouldn't know what to say, tapi since it might just be 1 hour makan-makan, jadi boleh la perhati kanak-kanak yang dahulunya comel tapi sekarang dah rupa makcik pakcik. Hehe... including me, (to myself-tolong jangan perasan muda).
3. I usually will greet old friends yang kadang kala muncul dalam YM. But today rasa macam tak nak tegur. I just don't want to hear their happy news if there's any. Macam teruk but today is too good that I don't want to spoil it with my jealousy. It's refreshing to acknowledge that we are capable of being jealous and allowed to be jealous. Tak la sampai nak aniaya sesiapa.
4. I started taking anti-cleanse last night. Walaupon rasa selalu nk memBALAK but it's quite mild.
5. My cross stitch is almost done. Yay!!! My little Venice..
6. I'm listening to Lady Gaga
7. I had my period after 2 months.. finally, tired of all negative UPTs and listening to doctors telling me that it was so unlikely that I was pregnant. Memang betul tak pregnant pon..
8. I'd decided to join aerobics again (after refraining myself, just incase the aerobics cause anovulation). Now I think that I was wrong .. Suka-suka!!
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