Date: 18 April 2010
Venue: Summit USJ Hotel
Time: 2-5 pm
Panels: Specialists from Puchong Fertility & Women's Specialist Centre
I knew about the forum from an advertisement in The Star the week before; Saturday/Sunday paper I can't recall. I didn't know what could I gain from the forum but since it was free, then it was worth a try.
Specialist Centre tu rasanya baru dibuka somewhere in March / April 2010. So mestilah nak promote kan.
There were 3 panels:
1. Dr Leong Wai Yew
2. Dr Yong Jee Kien
3. Dr Surinder Singh
Actually my purpose was to get more information on Laproscopy and to settle my doubts about a few matters. I did get a better view on Laproscopy & I'll write more about it in my next entry.
I managed to ask 2 questions to the panels:
1. Could D&C and Hydrotubation treat blocked tubes?
2. What could cause one's period to be lighter than normal for a prolonged period of time
These were the answers:
1. Hydrotubation may unblock tubes if the blockage is mild but it's quite unlikely or rather effectiveness is low or non existant. Hydrotubation which will cause our tubes to inflate considerably is also quite/very painful. The method is quite outdated nowadays and is now replaced by laproscopy. On the other hand, D&C do not help those with blocked tubes.
2. Hormonal imbalance may be the cause.
By attending this forum, I can say that I now have an eagle view of fertility treatment possibilities. But may be lacking here and there (tu nak kena tunggu further consultation lah)
It's true, we can search all the info on the internet but we'll tend to get confuse with the vast swarming information and then no one nearby could explain it to us. And.. most of the times, the information is also outdated unless you know a very reliable or updated sites. Why? Doctor's consultation is not free yes? What more if it involves specialists.
We received a voucher for Free Counseling at the forum. Possibly we'll get free sperm and hormonal analysis as well but it's not written in the voucher. Wait and see.. we had set our appointment on 30th Apr. Hopefully we'll get the free analysis. If we do it ourselves it would cost around RM500 together with doctor's fee. Then we can proceed with the next step.
Actually we'd done the sperm analysis and the result is good but according to Dr Surinder, some analyses are not comprehensive enough.

The most impressive panel was Dr Surinder. Dr Leong is also very nice and friendly, sangat lemah lembut... I like him. Dr Yong is not bad either.
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