Wednesday, April 28, 2010
My treatment at Hamid Arshat (Part 2)

Sunday, April 25, 2010
Kene Gigit / Kene Cubit?
Secara scientificnye.. lebam ini disebabkan kurangnya zat tertentu di dalam darah yang menyebabkan kapilari darah mudah pecah. Jadi dinasihatkan supaya mengambil supplement vitamin C & elakkan pakai tumit tinggi.
Tapi my kes pulak, masa rajin pakai tumit tinggi dulu takde pulak. Sekarang dah berhenti pakai tumit tinggi menjadi-jadi. Since kahwin lah.
Ade yang cakap, masalah macam ni mungkin sebab kena gigit dgn cik yang suka mengilai tu atau saka atau ada yang menumpang di badan kita. Mak angkat hubby cakap pulak mungkin kene cubit dengan orang halus. Kalau orang halus teringat kat kite, kite akan dapat lebamlah. Tambah seorang kakak yang urut I pulak makhlus halus di mana-mana pon ade. Die pon selalu kena.
Apakah mungkin disebabkan masalah lebam ni I masih tak mengandung sampai sekarang... Wallahualam... Tapi I yakin yang makhluk halus ni ade & I yakin juga dengan saka kerana ade beberapa ahli keluarga di zaman dahulu kala, pangkat nenek-nenek & moyang-moyang yang membela saka ni.
Apa pon rasa tak salah kalau check. Tengoklah nanti macam mana..
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Public Forum - Fertility Treatment

The most impressive panel was Dr Surinder. Dr Leong is also very nice and friendly, sangat lemah lembut... I like him. Dr Yong is not bad either.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Jealous? Giving Up?

Contohnya, those who got divorced. If he/she is with a child or children, then being a single parent would be a tough challenge tapi klu divorced with no kids, then he/she can feel very lonely. Or comparing to those who's strunggling to find a mate or had totally given up hope in finding The One.

Friday, April 16, 2010
My treatment at Hamid Arshat
Sekali pandang rasa terlalu baru usia perkahwinan but I just wanted to go for a basic check up, just in case ada apa-apa yang tidak normal, we can detect it early and take immediate action. Klu semua normal, oklah..
Hubby agreed, and we went there. I'm lucky that I have such an understanding husband. I always heard that many of those with similar problem; their husband wouldn't see the doctor which is very frustrating dan pronouncing defeat would be the most likely option.
I had had a few scans on my wombs with Dr Hamid and other doctors and it appeared to be normal. Tapi masa scan dengan Dr Hamid, it was already day 20 of my cycle and yet he said my egg had not yet been released which is not normal.
So the next step would be 'Semen Analysis' untuk abang romeo & I had to go for HSG (Hysterosalpingogram). Memang rasa agak seram untuk buat HSG. I dah baca a few forums and ada yang cakap HSG sakit and ada yang cakap just a slight discomfort.

A story from a dear friend, she went for HSG at government hospital. She bleed for slightly more than 1 month after the HSG due to infection that she had to be rushed to the emergency ward. Her friend also experience the same thing. Tell me how could I not be afraid after hearing such stories?
Ideally, HSG should be performed after your period but before ovulation. More or so day 10 - day 12 of your menstrual cycle. I went for my HSG at Daya X-Ray at Jalan Raja Laut. Seram bila doctor nk masukkan something into my vagina. Lepas 2 rasa macam vagina kene screw. But seriously, I do feel a slight discomfort and no pain at all. I noticed that most people who came there came for HSG. So I felt confident that the doctors there are already expert. Klinik Hamid Arshat pon ade bekalkan I antibiotic, as precautionary against infection.

So after that we went to Hamid Arshat for 'Semen Analysis'. Keputusannya, my husband is normal and I had one blocked tube. Tapi Dr Hamid cakap I can still get pregnant even with 1 tube. So he told us untuk cuba secara normal since kesan dari HSG tu boleh unblock tube I yang ada blockage tu. A few people do get pregnant after HSG.
I still can walk like normal people after the HSG procedure. Tapi masa kat kat klinik Dr Hamid dah rasa senak semacam, tak boleh stand straight. Bongkok mcm nenek kebayan. Sampai kat rumah lagi menjadi-jadi tp lepas tuam dengan air panas, malam tu dah rasa lega cket tp kembung-kembung masih ada. All in all, the HSG went well for me except the result yang agak mengecewakan.

Thursday, April 8, 2010
I Feel Happy Today Because...
1. My eyes rasa fresh sangat hari ini after I started taking 21st Century Eyebright Complex

2. I'll be joining a reunion with my primary school friends this weekend. How cool is that. Eventhough I'm a bit antisocial and wouldn't know what to say, tapi since it might just be 1 hour makan-makan, jadi boleh la perhati kanak-kanak yang dahulunya comel tapi sekarang dah rupa makcik pakcik. Hehe... including me, (to myself-tolong jangan perasan muda).
3. I usually will greet old friends yang kadang kala muncul dalam YM. But today rasa macam tak nak tegur. I just don't want to hear their happy news if there's any. Macam teruk but today is too good that I don't want to spoil it with my jealousy. It's refreshing to acknowledge that we are capable of being jealous and allowed to be jealous. Tak la sampai nak aniaya sesiapa.
4. I started taking anti-cleanse last night. Walaupon rasa selalu nk memBALAK but it's quite mild.
5. My cross stitch is almost done. Yay!!! My little Venice..
6. I'm listening to Lady Gaga
7. I had my period after 2 months.. finally, tired of all negative UPTs and listening to doctors telling me that it was so unlikely that I was pregnant. Memang betul tak pregnant pon..
8. I'd decided to join aerobics again (after refraining myself, just incase the aerobics cause anovulation). Now I think that I was wrong .. Suka-suka!!
Keloid Treatments
1. Silicon gel sheet, seingat I the price range from RM70-90. Gunting dan tampal atas keloid. Cara ini yang paling tak effective, at least for me.
2. Ultrasound Machine. My mother bought this at 3k I think. Kalau di klinik, doctor akan charge RM60 for an hour of usage, jenuh pula nk ke klinik setiap hari. Rasanya cara ni tak berkesan eventhough my mother claimed she can see the difference.
3. Homoepathy Radziah in Shah Alam. Setakat ni homeopathy adalah rawatan termurah tak sampai RM30 sekali pergi dengan ubat sekali. It was quite effective, I think I can feel a slight reduction on the size of my keloid. Dr Radziah suruh I pantang makan ayam bandar dan ikan yang tak bersisik. Tapi sayangnya I rasa ubat homeopathy ni membuatkan najis I bergerigi and kesannya melecet bila buang air. So I stopped.
4. Laser and Steroid Injections. This had been the most effective method ever. I went for this treatment 6 months after I got married and not being able to get pregnant. Laser tidak boleh untuk orang mengandung, just a precaution for the safety of fetus. Sempat la laser and inject for 2 times. Total cost was less than RM500, I think. & then I stopped because I bleed in between my menstrual cycles. Mcm takut la pulak. May be I'll continue selepas I berjaya dapat anak pertama. The last result of my keloid adalah macam gambar sebelum ni. It looks huge but actually it had reduced to 1/2 the original size. Measurement is still the same tapi kempis by 1/2. Agak pedih & bau terbakar masa buat laser ok... Dulu konon-konon nk buat lasik. Tapi lepas buat laser kat keloid ni, takuts ok, kat mata tu...
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
After a few trials of this and that, I decided to try 'set kehamilan dcl'. Priced at RM250, the set includes Inte Cleanse, Bidadari, Nu Age, E Gnius and dcl membership. Each trial, I really hope to God it would work.
My cousin suggested me to try on Biodex, but a few other people recommended Bidadari since it also equally effective, is a bit cheaper and easier to maintain.
I hope I can write a testimonial on this product later. :)