Monday, June 14, 2010
3rd Clomid Cycle
Ohh and the result of my previous blood test:
LH - 7.7
FSH - 6.7
Normally, FSH should be higher than LH. So this confirmed the vaginal scan that my right ovary is polycystic.
Scanned my eggs on day 14 (still not my ovulation day) and guess what... I have 2 eggs which were big enough to be fertilized. 1 at the right (29 mm) and 1 at the left (19 mm).
But... by the end of the cycle, Lady in Red paid me a visit!! :(
Thinking of the bright side, at least she had not delayed her arrival as she usually did. Perhaps my period is getting normal like it used to before I got married.
Might continue with my 4th trial on Clomid once I back from Tunisia this July.
Hubby comforted me by saying me our bb want to be made in PV8, our new home. Might move in somewhere in July or Aug.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
1st trip to Puchong Women Specialist (TMC branch)
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
My treatment at Hamid Arshat (Part 2)

Sunday, April 25, 2010
Kene Gigit / Kene Cubit?
Secara scientificnye.. lebam ini disebabkan kurangnya zat tertentu di dalam darah yang menyebabkan kapilari darah mudah pecah. Jadi dinasihatkan supaya mengambil supplement vitamin C & elakkan pakai tumit tinggi.
Tapi my kes pulak, masa rajin pakai tumit tinggi dulu takde pulak. Sekarang dah berhenti pakai tumit tinggi menjadi-jadi. Since kahwin lah.
Ade yang cakap, masalah macam ni mungkin sebab kena gigit dgn cik yang suka mengilai tu atau saka atau ada yang menumpang di badan kita. Mak angkat hubby cakap pulak mungkin kene cubit dengan orang halus. Kalau orang halus teringat kat kite, kite akan dapat lebamlah. Tambah seorang kakak yang urut I pulak makhlus halus di mana-mana pon ade. Die pon selalu kena.
Apakah mungkin disebabkan masalah lebam ni I masih tak mengandung sampai sekarang... Wallahualam... Tapi I yakin yang makhluk halus ni ade & I yakin juga dengan saka kerana ade beberapa ahli keluarga di zaman dahulu kala, pangkat nenek-nenek & moyang-moyang yang membela saka ni.
Apa pon rasa tak salah kalau check. Tengoklah nanti macam mana..
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Public Forum - Fertility Treatment

The most impressive panel was Dr Surinder. Dr Leong is also very nice and friendly, sangat lemah lembut... I like him. Dr Yong is not bad either.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Jealous? Giving Up?

Contohnya, those who got divorced. If he/she is with a child or children, then being a single parent would be a tough challenge tapi klu divorced with no kids, then he/she can feel very lonely. Or comparing to those who's strunggling to find a mate or had totally given up hope in finding The One.