Amongst all the person that I know, I have the biggest Keloid. What's Keloid? Derived from the Greek word chele (meaning crab claw), refers to the way in which lesions grow laterally from an original scar into normal tissue.
I got my keloid from my BCG scar. Nasib baik luka-luka masa tertoreh jari dengan pisau & di lutut akibat jatuh main kejar-kejar tak jadi keloid jugak. Klu tak haru juga. Da la I ni perempuan you. Tak cantik tak apa tapi klu keloid di sana sini, sedih juga... Alhamdullillah ada 1 aje & boleh disorokkan dari tontonan umum.
Usually Keloid is hereditary. But I have no family history so far. Or do I? Anyway, not that I know of. Based on my reading, orang yang ada keloid are mostly African, Hispanic or Chinese.
Keloid ni mungkin disebabkan nurse tersalah tempat cucuk my BCG (yeah its location memang nampak pelik) or because I can't stop scratching tempat yang dah diinject tu.
For your info, those with keloid biasanya is advised not to undergo any surgery unless they really have to and the doctor must be informed about it. Bertindik pon ada certain orang yang kena keloid tak boleh. I mmg teringin sangat nak pakai subang tapi apakan daya.. nk kena jerkah dengan mak klu pandai2 tindik?

This is what ear keloids look like. Walaupon kelihatan lebih besar, the second keloid is easier to remove because it's not attached to the face & oleh itu hanya melibatkan sedikit sahaja bahagian kulit asal. Kalau melibatkan kawasan kulit yang luas, most probably keloid yg dibuang akan tumbuh semula dan menjadi lebih besar. Scary isn't it?
My keloid looks like this ... Berbentuk bunga cacat & measure 4 x 5.5 cm. Haha.. besar tak? Senanglah nak cam I kalau macam tu kan. Huhu.. Tapi gua tak pakai sleeveless beb.
Keloid I ni mula membesar since I reach puberty and the growth stopped when I stopped growing. Mungkin dia menjadi-jadi because I ate too much injected chicken when I was at the boarding school. Menurut kata setengah pakar perubatan ayam inject ni bisa.. & bisa itulah yang menjadi makanan kepada keloid ni & menyebabkan ia membesar dengan sihatnya.
wtf !!